
Minister Achille Bassilekin III attends the discussions of the Congress that ends on 30 March 2022, alongside Cameroonian business leaders and start-ups

Since 27 March 2022, the Minister of SMESEHs, Achille BASSILEKIN III has been attending the Riyadh Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Saudi Arabia. For the occasion, the Minister is assisted by his Technical Adviser No. 1, Mrs Menanga Mireille, epse ABONGO and his Sub-director of Promotional Actions at the Department of SMEs, Mrs Zé Patricia. Cameroon’s participation during this 12th edition seeks among others to take ownership of global reforms and strategies, take part in strategic discussions, and draw from experiences sharing.
During this 4th participation, Cameroon has already managed to ensure, thanks to its previous participations, the revitalisation of the youth entrepreneurship ecosystem, the dissemination of the entrepreneurship culture among the population, the multiplication of business opportunities and entrepreneurship initiatives in the interest of women and young people who are increasingly involved in growth channels at the national, sub-regional and international levels.
Globally, major strides include the development of creativity ecosystems, training and education on creativity culture through incubator and fast-tracking programmes in schools and universities. These programmes are increasingly available around the world, with a more tangible involvement of young people and women in growth channels.
The Global Entrepreneurship Congress is a global entrepreneurship revolution which brings together, every year, personalities of ministerial rank, top-ranking officials from administrations in charge of entrepreneurship and innovation issues, entrepreneurs, investors, leaders, researchers, scholars, experts, incubators and project promoters from over 170 countries worldwide.
Several countries around the world have joined this endeavour by celebrating, every year, the Global Entrepreneurship Week. During its 3rd edition, Cameroon promoted the creation of several entrepreneurship clubs and schools. In the same vein, the law governing incubation was adopted resulting in the approval of four private incubation structures and about ten in State universities.
It should be noted that the Global Entrepreneurship Congress which ends on 30 March 2022, is a United Nations initiative which supports, since 2014, the need to set up a global framework for the promotion of entrepreneurship within States. The UN also encourages its specialised organs, such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) or the International Trade Centre to prioritise aspects related to entrepreneurship in their development policies. This orientation also calls on States to grant priority to young people and women who account for over two thirds of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa and are mostly excluded from growth channels.

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